Saturday, February 16, 2013

10 Reasons Why We Don't Need to Celebrate Valentines Day (but still did anyway)

10. Sam will declare frozen yogurt nights in the middle of the week (my favorite)

9. I buy Sam 20 boxes of his favorite drink mixes so he won't run out (but still does)

8. Sam will surprise buy me clothes (I pick them out, not him :)

7. I cheer Sam on at all of his sporting events, even church basketball

6. Sam rubs my feet after a long work shift

5. I make the bed 'Sam's way' every day (well almost everyday, sometimes Sam makes the bed) so that the  sheets are tucked nice and tight (the bed would barely be made if it were up to me)

4. Sam grew a beard for me (it lasted a week and a half)

3. I relinquish all control of the remote while watching TV with Sam

2. Sam helps with all of the chores around the house, every day without being asks and inspires me to be better

1. I tell Sam every day, all day how much I love him (and he does the same!)

In all seriousness, I have an amazing husband and feel so lucky to be able to enjoy and love him everyday. We decided not to exchange gifts this year, because we feel loved all year round by each other. We did go out on a special date night last night to La Jolla Groves and The Chocolate for dessert. Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading all about your trip and seeing the pictures! It sounds like you both had a wonderful time and a much-deserved rest from real life!
