Friday, April 19, 2013

A Very Spoiled Birthday Boy

So 10 days ago it was Sam's birthday. And a very spoiled birthday boy he was. To recap:

The Monday night before his birthday we watched the NCAA Championship basketball game with Rich and their friend Reed. They came over and were our first friends to hang out in the house :) Right at midnight Sam wanted to open his presents (the friends were gone). His main gift were handmade cornhole bags to go along with the cornhole game set we're going to make for this summer (Sam likes to have projects to do with me). This gift has a very dramatic story along with it... long story short... I went to Cal-Ranch to buy corn feed (that goes inside of the bags). They sold me 'spoiled' corn. How did I find this out you ask? I brought the corn in the house and it was COVERED with black bugs. I almost died. Luckily Judy was around and I very calmly told her we had a situation. She helped me dispose of the bugs, and then I freaked out, making her check me for the critters. UGH! My skin still crawls thinking about it. Cal-Ranch refunded me my money and gave me fresh corn feed for free.

The theme of this birthday was all things free. A month or two before his birthday Sam signed up for every birthday club and free gimmick he could think of. At the end of this post I'll list everywhere we went for free these past 10 days.

Tuesday on Sam's bday we got lunch at Noodles and Co (free) then we went to the mall and got him a free shirt from Gap (with a giftcard we had) and then I let him pick a treat and he got Cinnabon. Before he had to go in to work we picked up a dozen cupcakes to take to the boys he works with, they really loved that.

He requested a 'creeper' photo with the cupcakes, birthday boys get what they want...

26 looks good on you Sam
Monday- Free 6 wings from Bdubs
Tuesday- Free entree from Noodles and Co
Wednesday- Free meal at Benihana
Friday- Free burger from Red Robin, free ice cream from Baskin Robbins and free fro-yo from Menchies
Monday- Free 'Big BBQ' sandwich from Dickies, free curly fries and potato patty from Arby's (Tax Day), free cream-slush from Sonic (and yes, we brought the sandwich and slushy into the Arby's to eat with the free fries, we're shameless) 
Wednesday- Free single servings of a Surf and Turf entree at Panda Express (also Tax Day related), free corndog from Wienerschnitzel,  free sundae from Culvers, free fro-yo from Red Mango, free I-HOP meal for a midnight snack

I'm sure I've forgotten something, and he still has a few coupons that don't expire yet. And no we haven't gained 20 pounds!


  1. You are the perfect wife for a Tillman man. Not many people understand the drive to get the best deal.
    As for your hypothyroidism, you should talk to Christi. I think she had hyperthyroidism. Either way, she's on medication, too. I'm so glad you found this out now. :) Hugs to you.

  2. Hey, I just saw a link to your blog on Facebook. I read the part about infertility and had to comment. We have been trying to get pregnant for a while too, it will be two years in September. It is pretty much the worst and most emotional thing ever. So I'm sorry you have to go through it!!! :( Anyways, I know someone that had two eptopic pregnancies and her doctor told her she would never be able to have kids. She went to a natural doctor in Orem and was pregnant in three months, and has another one on the way. Her 1st baby isn't even a year old yet! She was referred by a friend that has a really similar story. I figured it couldn't hurt to go see him, it is only $50 for a visit and if you need any herbs he gives them to you right then and they cost $20 a bottle. I needed three, but $110 isn't too bad compared to what you'll pay at a regular doctor's office :) Anyways, I went there and he tested my hormones and I found out that I was allergic to a chemical that is a lot of fruits, vegetables and nuts (I already knew I was allergic to a lot of vegetables but I wasn't sure why) I have been to a LOT of doctors for the past ten years to find out why I was having such bad stomach problems... and he figured it out within the first ten minutes. It was pretty cool. Anyways, it turns out that is what is causing my infertility issues. The part of my body that regulates those allergies is the same part that regulates my hormones, since it has been so focused on regulating allergies, I haven't been able to get pregnant. I am not pregnant yet, I only saw him four days ago but I feel like it makes a lot of sense. His main focus isn't infertility, but he said once in a while it will come in waves. He usually deals with anxiety, adhd, stress and allergies but he has had a 70% success rate with infertility since the 80's. He uses a type of acupuncture that is connected to a computer monitor and then gives herbal remedies to fix problems. It is pretty cool! I'm a big believer in natural medicine, but I understand some people think it is weird. Let me know if you want more info, I can give you his info!
